Andrea Learned


Living Change Podcast

A Quest for Climate Leadership

3 out of 4 consumers surveyed cited podcast hosts as the most influential figures shaping their actions, beliefs and life decisions (compared with 15% of social media creators). – VOX/Magna survey

Even though they don’t have the word “sustainability” in their title, there are a lot of leaders out there who care deeply about their impact on the environment.

In Season 1 of the award-winning Living Change podcast, I talk with a range of guests on the corporate, political, and cultural spectrum who leverage their own climate influence in quiet but powerful ways.

These folks tell inspirational stories of climate impact in their industries, from mayors and legislators across North America to an Emmy-winning writer/producer, a globally recognized radio DJ, and a consumer goods CFO.

This podcast is all about the enthusiastic, hopeful, and fun stories of professionals using their work or business ventures to help shift the social norms around “leadership” in the Climate Crisis age.

Living Change is “A Quest for Climate Leadership” through sharing the experiences and practices of those who might be called surprising validators. It’s past time to hear and better leverage these stories. 

With infectious energy and a compelling theory of change, Andrea highlights the work of surprising climate leaders.”

– Theresa Lieb, Senior Analyst of Food Systems, GreenBiz

Listen and follow now wherever you get your podcasts!