Twitter and Leadership
Panelist Twitter profiles:
AndreaLearned, Bruno Sarda, Peggy Ward, Marlene Towns
McKinsey: Six Social-Media Skills Every Leader Needs
“It takes guts to innovate radically in leadership and organization, for legacy systems, cultures, and attitudes are powerful forces of inertia. Fortunately, the inherent quality of social media is a powerful transformational force.”
“When I began using Twitter in 2011 I was just like every new egghead user. I had no idea how this new medium would enhance my ability to excel at my profession. I must say I was more than a little skeptical. I am proud to admit that I was dead wrong.“
Landor: B2B trumps B2c social media
“…what better way to make connections, discover potential clients, share white papers, and engage with communities, stakeholders, and NGOs than on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other dynamic platforms? These tools will become increasingly powerful, go-to resources for the future of B2B.”
Greenbiz: 2014 Corporate Sustainability Twitterati Index
“The GreenBiz Twitter Index is more than (yet) another list of sustainability execs with Twitter accounts. (Been there, done that.) Rather, we analyze Klout, Kred, and PeerIndex scores for more than 60 individuals to arrive at our own unique ranking based on audience, activity and authority. In general, the leaders on this list have built a strong following — with high-ranked followers — and tweet with some regularity. They’ve built authority in the real world, and leveraged it to gain more thought leadership via social media.”
Greenbiz: Andrea’s post – Decoding Green Twitter: Secrets for Online Sustainability Success
“For those of us who have made caring about sustainability our life’s work, leveraging the power of authentic Twitter engagement makes so much sense.
If we each make the effort to cheer on others and share what we can, our individual commitment will help grow a larger collective of innovative sustainability thinking. The personal and professional rewards of the community involvement are incredible. The movement scale impact has the potential to be immeasurable.”
Bruno Sarda’s ASU Global Institute of Sustainability slides on Social Media in Sustainability
A Taste of Twitter Basics
Andrea’s.Slow.Steady.Twitter Engagement
My philosophy (in WORD doc form) and some tips on building engagement/trust, some ways to think about content creation and curation, and how to nurture relationships over the long term.
Buffer: 5 Tips to Optimize Your New Twitter Profile
From profile and header image to the difference between .@ and @.
“Whether you’re a Twitter pro or newer to the network, whether you plan to host your own chat or if you look forward to participating in others, a bit of advance preparation could help.”
Wiki-How: How to Create a Twitter List
Step-by-step (with images) of how to organize your followers.
The 2014 Edition of the Hootsuite Social Media Glossary
Example/Content Curation:
“Content curation is the process of sifting through the web to find the best and most relevant content for an audience and then presenting it to them in a meaningful way. Unlike content marketing, content curation doesn’t involve publishing new content. It’s about creating value for your audience by saving them time and effort.”
Buffer: The 7 Key Ingredients of a Powerful Twitter Bio
“The way you describe yourself on Twitter has everything to do with how people perceive you online. So how the heck do you do it right?”
Entrepreneur: 5 Ways to Tune Your Twitter Strategy Based on Audience Behavior
“If you’re just getting started or are a seasoned tweeter, establishing and maintaining the right balance in terms of content, tone and messaging is essential for building and maintaining an engaged audience.
A great way to strike this balance is to tap into your audience’s behavioral patterns to determine what resonates the most with them. “
Beth Kanter’s Books on the Networked Nonprofit (Resources for EVERYONE, private, nonprofit or…)
Action Items, Post-Session
Today – write or re-work your Twitter profile.
This week – create a strategic influencer Twitter list, start adding people.
This month – participate (or at least lurk!) in a Tweetchat., and Susan McPherson’s #csrchat are all good places to start. As well, see the archives of #SustLdrConv the monthly chat co-hosted by Andrea Learned and Martin Brown).
Special thanks to Roland C. Vogt for use of the image.